Urban Development and Hydrology

Years of helping developers expand Perth's urban areas

Perth view from Kings Park

Urbanization requires stormwater management!

Most areas proposed for development in the Perth, Peel and South-West regions have significant water resource issues. At Promak, effective urban water resource management is achieved by integrating total water cycle management into urban development planning and design.

Urban Development Expertise

We help Perth's urbanisation a step at a time!

  • Urban Water Management

    Stormwater to inlet

    Promak has expertise in all aspects relating to Urban Water Management Strategy, particularly Local Water Management Strategies and Urban Water Management Plans. We incorporate water sensitive urban design objectives and storm water management principles in land use planning to achieve better water management practices.

    Prior to starting a Water Management Strategy, groundwater monitoring is primarily needed to assess the current state of groundwater resources in regards to water quality, maximum groundwater levels (MGL) and direction of flow for urban and industrial developments. Such monitoring is conducted by Promak as part of a Water Management Strategy (particularly in areas were the watertable is within 1.5m of the natural surface). Depending on the specific site requirements, groundwater is usually monitored for up to 2 years.

    A geotechnical survey is completed to describe the nature of the soil, whether it shrinks or swells, or whether acid sulfates are present. The outcomes of the geotechnical survey recommends e.g. installation of sewers, water, power, complementing the Water Management Strategy (further detailed in the next tab).

  • Geotechnical Investigation

    We offer a broad range of geotechnical soil tests to investigate the physical properties that likely influence the proposed development. The geotechnical investigation is conducted according to AS 1726, tailored to site characteristics, the proposed development, and may include:

    • An evaluation of the geology and hydrogeology (desktop study and in situ)
    • Sampling (excavating or boring) for identification of soil profiles and testing
    • Testing includes soil and rock classification, particle size distribution and Atterberg Limits (AS 1289)
    • Compaction Testing (PSP) and Maximum Dry Density (AS 1289)
    • Permeability and Infiltration (ISO 22282)
    • A site visit, testing and reporting.